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Substitute Substituted ozone-dangerous compound Conclusion on application Limitations Notes
Hydrocarbons Methyl chloroform Applicable no OSHA standards exist for many of these compounds. It is necessary to use compounds with tyhe least toxicity.
Oxygen-containing solvents (spirits, cetones, simple and compound ethers) Methyl chloroform Applicable no OSHA standards exist for many of these compounds. It is necessary to use compounds with tyhe least toxicity.
Chlorine-containing solvents (methylene chloride, trichloroethylene, perchloroethylene) Methyl chloroform Applicable no High toxicity. Using only in case of necessity.
Terpenes Methyl chloroform Applicable no no
Mixtures on water Methyl chloroform Applicable no no
Alternative technologies (chemically solidificated, radiationally solidificated, powders, reaction fluids) Methyl chloroform Applicable no no
Monochlorotoluene / Benzotrifluoride CFC-113, Methyl chloroform , HCFC-141b Applicable with certain limitations Ultimate concentration is 50 ppm for orthochlorotoluene. Acceptable concentration for benzotrifluoride is 100 ppm.
Trans-1,2 - dichloroethylene CFC-113, Methyl chloroform Applicable with certain limitations Ultimate concentration is 200 ppm no
Chlorobrommethane CFC-113, Methyl chloroform Not applicable N/A There are other alternatives with lower ODP.

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