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MackFri - ZCI A

MackFri® - ZCI A
ASHRAE Name : R-595
(82% HCFC-22 / 4.75% HCFC-123 / 9.5% HCFC-124 / 3.75% Isopropenyl-1-Methyl Cyclohexane)

The Blends for replacement of Halon 1301.

Similar : NAF S III

Physical properties:
Molecular weight
Boiling Point,0C
Critical temperature, 0C
Critical pressure, MPa
Specific Heat, Liquid, KJ/Kg.,0C
Heat of Vaporization at Boiling Point, Ks/Kg
Solubility of Water in Agent,250C, normal pressure, %
Vapor pressure: (200C,MPa)