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Devices included into the ACC system

Internal air thermode


It is set up inside the temperature regulator.


It consists of thermistor (resistance NTC). Reacting to temperature of suction air through suction aperture inside the automobile, it enters the transformed signals of pressure into the controller depending on change of value of resistance.


Schedule of dependence of resistance
on temperature
Schedule of dependence of resistance on temperature

Way of checking.

  • If the display lamp of check of the internal air thermode A lights up, they perform checking following the below-mentioned points.
  • Prior to the beginning of performing checking of the internal air thermode, first of all, they check if the internal air is sucked through the suction aperture by approaching the smoke of a cigarette to the suction aperture inside the automobile.
  • After detachment of the socket of the internal air thermode, by having connected the measuring instrument of resistance to the ends of the gauge B, they measure value of resistance (At 20°С value of resistance approximately 2 kOm).

In case of difference from the specified value of the gauge resistance- they replace the thermode, and in case of conformity - they replace the autotemperature regulator and perform checking again.