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Components of the air-conditioning system, their organization and check

Organization and principle of action

A – low pressure outlet to evaporator
B – suction of high pressure from condenser
1 – temperature signal diaphragm
2 – valve
3 – spring
4 – thermode ballon
5 – high pressure refrigerant
6 – low pressure refrigerant
7 – thermode ballon pressure

For the period of normal work the refrigerant comes into the expansion valve in a liquid condition with average temperature, high pressure, and passing through expansion valve turns to a condition of low temperature and low pressure. The liquid refrigerant in this condition, absorbing air heat turns into the gaseous condition and leaves the evaporator. Thus, the temperature of gas raises in comparison with temperature in a liquid condition slightly.

The refrigerant amount in the liquid condition, passing through expansion valve, is adjusted, due to thermode and pressure of the liquid refrigerant in the evaporator. That is, expansion valve adjusts amount of the refrigerant coming into the evaporator, on necessity.


Malfunction of the expansion valve is usually shown by low value of sucking and head pressure.

It is simultaneously shown also by bad work of refrigerating system. Therefore, with the help of parameters they check changing of pressure.